Photo (Click to Enlarge)
Photo Description & Background
Leaving City of Pittsburgh Sign at City of Pittsburgh/
Scott Township Line near Crafton. Photo taken by Denny Pine, 2003.
This sign was recently removed by the city. The sign contained the
city crest and the familiar 'PGH DPW' at the bottom. |
Overhead guide installed by the Department of Public
Works for Washington Blvd. and US 22/30 East on Penn Ave. in East Liberty.
Taken by Alex Nitzman and Andy Field; October 2001. This style of
guide sign was very common at major intersections within the city limits.
Some even used button-copy signage. There were similar guide signs
at PA 51/88 and at PA 51/Liberty Ave. until the late 1990s. |
Black on White 'Downtown' Guide Sign located on
at. Photo taken by Denny Pine; 2003. The old block font and
arrow design is clearly demonstrated here. |