Business US 501/North US 701 shields; Conway.
Taken by Michael Summa; 1995. |
'To' Interstate 20 and South I-95 South Carolina
shields; Floerence. Taken by Michael Summa; 1995. Then 'New'
shields that followed older specifications. |
Button Copy guide sign for I-95 (Exit 141)
on I-20 East; Florence. Taken by Michael Summa; 1995. |
Older Button Copy guide sign directing Myrtle
Beach traffic via I-95 North and SC 327 (Exit 141A) on I-20 East; Florence.
Taken by Michael Summa; 1995. |
Overhead shields for US 378 and US 501; Conway.
Taken by Michael Summa; 1995. |
Overheads for US 52/76 and 301; Florence.
Taken by Michael Summa; 1995. |
Secondary Route Marker (S-13-902) on US 1/52;
Cheraw. Taken by Michael Summa; 1993. |
Button Copy guide sign for SC 327 (Exit 170)
on I-95 North; Florence. Taken by Michael Summa; 1993. |
US 76/301 / 'To' I-95 South Carolina and
SC 327 shields; Florence County. Taken by Michael Summa; 1993.
A great look at an older I-95 shield. |
Button Copy overheads for US 501 and 76;
Marion. Taken by Michael Summa; 1993. This is located at the
then three year old (opened 1990) Marion Bypass. |
Button Copy Overheads for US 17 on US 501
South; Myrtle Beach. Taken by Michael Summa; 1993. In 2003,
this interchange was being overhauled to better handle the high volume
of traffic. |
Button Copy Overheads for US 501 on US 17
South; Myrtle Beach. Taken by Michael Summa; 1993. |